The BLANC & FISCHER Family Holding and its corporate groups stand for
resource conserving,
Accordingly, the market success of our products and services is closely linked to their quality, our responsibility for the careful handling of the environment (Planet), responsible cooperation (People), and the strengthening of economic productivity (Performance). For this reason, these three action areas of sustainability have been integrated into the corporate strategy of the BLANC & FISCHER Family Holding.
The Integrated Management System (“IMS”) supports this process, covering divisions such as occupational safety, quality, energy management, and environmental protection. Starting from top management on down, we are practicing a process of continual improvement with this Integrated Management System. We are aware that a management system is a leadership task.
Through all employees’ involvement, attentiveness, and commitment to active cooperation, we want to ensure that only flawless products are manufactured and services are provided, then continuously developed with our innovative strength. We commit to complying with legal and other requirements.
The concept of quality, energy, and environmental protection starts with the idea of a product.
The influences and effects of all processes, services, and products on quality, environment, and energy efficiency are included in the planning, development, procurement, and other business decisions.
Errors are systematically analyzed, the causes are identified and permanently eliminated. The findings from troubleshooting are incorporated at the beginning of the process chain to ensure a continuous improvement process.
We are committed to improving our environmental and energy footprint through our quality, energy, and environmental policies. We do this to protect the environment, including pollution prevention, and to comply with legal obligations and other requirements per our IMS. By doing so, we create the basis for achieving our corporate goals. We are committed to providing the information and resources necessary to achieve the company’s objectives.
(Management manual 2022-05-11/V4)